
Just me...
My Story
Energy and Metaphysics
E&M, 2
E&M, 3
God in Science
Rules to Live By
Favorite Links


Those who know me know that I generally don’t say much, but I have a lot to say.  I find it easier to write these things out.  At least I know that I will be heard and maybe understood a little better this way.  Plus, I won’t have to see everyone’s blank stares or rolling eyes when I go off the deep-end:-)

I guess my whole purpose here is to express my thoughts and feelings on certain subjects that I find important, or at least interesting.  I am not one to debate things, but I do enjoy “intellectual discussions” with others.  It doesn’t bother me if some people disagree with my ideas.  Talking about them is the only way to truly understand what you believe.

Mexico Beach, Florida
My happy place

What's New?

8/03/08--Finally gettin' this up & goin'! 

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.