
Energy and Metaphysics, 2

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Energy on a Spiritual Level


Energy can be found on a “spiritual” level, also.  When a person dies, their soul can transcend.  I will not debate whether it goes strait to Heaven, Hell, or to Purgatory.  After the soul has left, the body begins to decay and return to the dirt where it came from.  The only thing not accounted for is the energy, the vital force behind Life, that was in the person.  As the Law of Conservation of Energy states, energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can change its form.   The energy inside of a once-living person is released into the Universe to be either transferred or transformed.  In ancient Egypt, the life force of a person was called the Ka, and their individual soul or personality was referred to as the Ba.  The Ba enters into the body as the Ka does, at birth.  At death, the Ka leaves to be united with its creator and its Ba.  The joining of the Ka and Ba created the Akh.  This was the spirit form that was eternal and could roam the earth (Concept…, 2008). 


As energy is passed along, it is changed by whatever it comes in contact with.  This change is like a fingerprint left on this energy, or like a marker of where it’s been.  When this energy goes into a new from, say a person, it carries these markers or memories with it.  Some people may be able to call up and distinguish between these memories and their own.  This is because akashic memories (those not bound by time or space) are not held in the physical body, but in the subtle body (our life force or consciousness).  This is where “past lives” come from.  It is recalling the places where a person’s energy has been.  The reincarnation of this energy allows for memories and traits to be pasted along to another person.  This is a great explanation for how geniuses acquire knowledge that they’ve had no previous exposure to, and why people have phobias that did not originate from past trauma.  For an adult to speak a new language, with the correct pronunciation (called xenoglossy), could also be attributed to reincarnation.  Regression therapy can help a person identify with his/her past lives, using holotropic (meaning “oriented toward wholeness”) breathing and hypnosis.   Of course, just because the information is there doesn’t mean that we will automatically be able to recall all of it.  It may be that it is not time for such information to be revealed.  Instead, it could be that one area of life needs to be focused on, until that area reaches its peak in fulfillment.  Otherwise, the karmic effect could be that we will have to repeat steps in that part of life.  Something else we need to think about is that what we experience in one life may have an effect in the next, or even in the next life of another person (Goswami, 2008). 


There may be a lot of confusion if more than one packet of energy enters into a person.  This could be the cause of “multiple personalities” or a form of “possession.”  The other form of possession would be in the case of a demonic entity entering a person, but that is a whole other subject.  Packets of energy or energy “forms” may just float around the Universe for a while before entering any other form, or they may be attracted to a specific place or person.  It is believed that once an energy form (or subtle body) has gained enlightenment and knowledge to a great extent, it then no longer needs to be reborn and can travel in this state until channeled (Goswami, 2008).


Channeling is a way of making contact with this free energy, although this requires a mutual desire of both the channeler and the discarnate energy form.  It also requires that this energy have acquired a great ability to concentrate by its self.  Its knowledge can then be used or obtained by the channeler and it may also take on the role of a spirit guild (Goswami, 2008). 


Being what energy is, it will interact with everything around it.  Do you hear a ghost?  Perhaps, but not as in the lost soul of a person.  Remember, the soul has already left this place. It is their energy which has remained in that place for some reason.  This could be due to a magnetic field around an area, or it could be that a person has a “magnetic personality” and naturally attracts energy to them whether they know it or not.  It is important to remember that ghosts are energy and, in general, are not dangerous.  But, just like lightening or electric shock knocking pictures off walls, ghosts can be focused or “solid” enough to bump into things (Goswami, 2008). 

E&M, 3

(2001-2008). The Concept of the Afterlife.  Egyptology Online · The Astra Corporation Limited.  <>

Goswami A. (2008). God is Not Dead.  Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing.