
Energy & Metaphysics

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Energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred or transformed.  This is the basis of life and all that is in it.


Power of Our Minds


All things on Earth emit radiation; science has shown this.  Therefore, all things on Earth give off energy.  If the Moon, from thousands of miles away, can have an effect on the Earth’s tides, then how much of an effect can the things on Earth have on us?  Not only that, but it is amazing to think of how much energy our brains put out.  Even when we are asleep our brains are still running, using energy and emitting it.  It would make sense that the human brain would have more of an affect on the Universe than the Moon would.  We can actually change the Universe.  The energy from our minds can be focused.  We decide how much is emitted and where it goes to.  What is sad is that we do not realize how much power is in our own bodies.  If we did, literally nothing would be impossible.  Most people don’t stop to think about this, but we are constantly changing the world around us.  Quantum physics tells us that even looking at an object changes it, referred to as the “observer effect”.  The simple act of measuring something can change it.  Therefore, we have an affect on everything that we come in contact with.


Some people do realize their potential and can tap into it.  Think of Einstein and the other great thinkers and what they have been able to accomplish.  There are people who, without a thought of doubt, have been able to lift the crushing weight of a car so that a life could be saved.  Without doubt, that is the key.  It would take nothing more than a thought to call an object to you from across a room or to communicate by mind with someone thousands of miles away if you have faith that it can be done.  Jesus Himself said, “…if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” (Matthew 17:20, New Am. Standard).  He is also quoted again in Matthew 21:21, Mark 9:23 and 11:23, and Luke 17:6, all saying nearly the exact same thing.  All it takes is faith, and your good intensions will be blessed.  


Quantum Physics and a Single Consciousness


In the most basic concept of quantum physics are the properties of matter.  Matter consists of both particles and waves.  Waves are the variations of matter, or possibilities.  The number of possibilities and their chances of becoming truth can be calculated mathematically.  What can’t be calculated is the actuality that does come.  Science cannot determine what is.  The act of everything coming down into a single certainty is referred to as a collapse of possibilities.  A collapse is affected by consciousness.  One possibility is chosen from the many.  This goes back to the “observer effect” (Goswami, 2008).


Telepathy across distances can work because consciousness can collapse possibilities in minds that are separated but correlated.  There is one consciousness, one set of possibilities, which both minds share.  In this instance, the possibility (a thought) in one mind is transferred and actualized in another mind.  It is consciousness that mediates the parallel collapse.  The one consciousness and shared possibilities are also why we don’t cancel one another out when experiencing the same things.  Think of this:  If the observer effect is true (which has been demonstrated), and if two people look at the same object at the same time, then who is responsible for the effect?  It is both and neither, because they are working with the same set of possibilities and the one consciousness does the choosing (Goswami, 2001). 


So, do we ever get to choose for ourselves?  Yes, because we are still individuals with free-will.  Our primary response to something is seen as a new experience; it is an impersonal and creative reaction.  The primary response then is memorized so it can be used as a reference (secondary response) later.  When presented with a similar situation in the future, our brains recall these memories.  When presented with a choice, our brain will often be conditioned to choose a previous response that we are comfortable with.  Doing so obscures the creativity and freedom of a new primary response (Goswami & Todd, 1997).  Our conditioning constructs our individuality.  Care should be taken, though, as rigidly relying on our built individuality can lead to a limited functioning ego (Goswami, 2001).

(For more on the single consciousness, check out God in Science)


Goswami A. & Todd D. (1997). Is there conscious choice in directed mutation, phenocopies, and related phenomena?  An answer based on quantum measurement theory.  Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science, 32(2): 132-142.

Goswami, Amit. (2001). Physics within Nondual Consciousness.  Philosophy East and West, 51 (4): 535-544.

Goswami A. (2008). God is Not Dead.  Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing.