
Just me...

Just me...
My Story
Energy and Metaphysics
E&M, 2
E&M, 3
God in Science
Rules to Live By
Favorite Links

Life...or something like that

So, what am I up to planned, I graduating in 2004 with a BS in Biology.  I decided to take some time off instead of going strait to grad. school.  I ended up teaching back home for a year (Jr. High...never say never).  I started my Master's in 2005 at SEMO .  And, yes, my major was still genetics, haven't changed that much!  I knew that as soon as I was finished with school that I want to move South.  It's warmed down there.  That is where I am today.  I have a job that I really like doing cancer research.  The rest of my family has decided to move down here, too.  Guess they just can't live without me, lol!  
Aside from school and work, life is so-so.  My stress level got way out of control, which lead to a host of health problems.  At some point, I plan on putting pages together about my medical research for all of us, and for the future generations, some of which I have on here.

I am working on writing a book.  Actually, I've been working on it for a few of years.  It is a long process.  I still write poems, have about 120+ now. Even wrote a few short stories while in college.  I've also been working on some private research whenever I get the chance.  Don't worry, all literature research, nothing hands-on.

Other than that, just trying to stay happy, healthy, and sane...well, two out of three isn't so bad, just don't know which two!

I will try my best to keep people updated, either through here or one of the other methods I have.


What makes who I am:

-I am a Christian, first and foremost, though I see the world a little differently than most (see “E&M”)

-I am a naturalist(as in philosophy) of sorts: I practice aromatherapy, crystal/herbal healing, and I see God in every aspect and object in life

-Very big advocate of natural health and education

-Love science, which is why research is my career

-A quiet listener: I hear everyone’s troubles, but keep them private

-Overly-analytical, but mostly about things that are of no consequence to others

-Very bad about not taking my own advice

-Love animals!  Goes along with my connection to nature.  I have one cat myself

-Though I don’t get to do it much, I enjoy art and working with my hands.  Includes: sewing, painting, drawing, writing, woodworking, crafting, gardening, ect.

-I have an extensive book collection…just don’t get to read much.  Most lean towards my personal research (ancient cultures, metaphysics, myths), mystery/horror, and classics

-Enjoy movies, but not like I use to.  Favorites: horror, mystery, action, crime drama

-I am a compulsive list maker, and probably have more OCDs than anyone you know!

If you want to know more, check out my other pages!
